Best Methods For Manufacturers To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint By Leveraging Tech

Manufacturing and transportation are the leading sectors with the highest carbon footprint in the last couple of years. A report by the United States Environmental Protection Agency showed that Industries alone contributed about 24% of the greenhouse gases in the USA in 2020. However, this can be changed if the various stakeholders in the manufacturing…

Practical Ways AI Is Being Used to Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a terrifying problem that everyone living on this planet must be concerned about. The world is already experiencing the side effects of climate change, including prolonged droughts and extreme storms that have led to the loss of hundreds and sometimes thousands of lives. Inflation is another indirect side effect of climate change…

Top Green Energy Technologies Driving Climate Change Over The Next Decade

Using green or renewable energy is one of the best strategies for dealing with climate change and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Some common examples of green energy sources include energy generated from solar, wind, waste products, hydropower and more. There are several technological innovations in the green energy space that…