Higher Quality Games Being Released

You will love the list of exciting new titles being released in the next year. What’s amazing is how developers continue to improve the immersive storyline, exciting gameplay, vivid realism of worlds and lifelike gaming characters. The gaming industry has come a long way since the early days of 2D graphics and simple gameplay. Leading gaming promises to deliver some of the most amazing gaming experiences yet. We are also excited to see what new gaming genres will come about in the next year.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

With the release of new gaming hardware, we think that augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) gaming will become more popular. While it hasn’t caught on as much as some people thought it would by now, it is still becoming more popular. In 2023, we think that virtual reality will become more commonplace in gaming. We will see more games being released that are compatible with virtual reality headsets and gaming systems.

More Mobile Games

Mobile gaming is already huge and it is only going to get bigger in 2023. With the release of new, powerful smartphones and gaming tablets, we will see even more high-quality mobile games being released. We also expect to see more gaming apps being released for smartwatches.

Online Multiplayer Games

Multiplayer gaming is always popular and we think it will continue to be so in 2023. We expect to see more multiplayer games being released across all gaming platforms. These games will allow gamers to connect with friends and family online and play together.

As gaming continues to grow in popularity, we think that paid gaming tournaments will become more common. These tournaments will allow the best gamers to compete against each other for cash prizes. We expect to see these tournaments being held both online and offline.

Gaming Platforms & Tech

First, there will be more progress in developing new gaming platforms such as Google Stadia and Amazon Luna. 5G technology will become more widespread, which will enable gaming companies to offer new gaming experiences that require low latency.

Multiplayer gaming will be even bigger

The popularity of multiplayer gaming is only going to continue to grow in 2023. A study showed that 74% of gamers say they play online with other people and that number is only going to increase. With the release of new games like Call of Duty: Warzone and Among Us, we expect to see even more gamers joining in on the fun.

The Rise of Gaming Marketplaces & Gaming Subscription Services

Right now, there are a few gaming subscription services available, but we think that their popularity will rise in 2023. These services offer gamers a way to have access to a library of games for a monthly fee. We think that more and more gamers will sign up for these services as they become more popular.

Blockchain-Based GameFi

GameFi games are terrible (Sorry not sorry). But it would be naive to assume they will always stay that way. Many great innovations are coming out of the blockchain-based GameFi space. We’re excited to see how this young ecosystem matures as a long list of titles, marketplaces & new communities are being built. GameFi is very immature currently but the rapid speed of development is eyewatering – watch this space!

Esports will continue to grow

Esports will continue to grow, both players and the global audience. People love to watch others compete in gaming, it’s quite literally a leading format of entertainment (like conventional sports & movies). Tournaments will get bigger and there will be more prize money up for grabs. We also think that more traditional sports teams will start to invest in esports teams. This goes hand in hand with the popularity of cloud gaming, as it offers gamers the ability to play games without having to download them.


In 2023, gaming will see some remarkable developments and be (even) more popular than it is now. We expect to see new gaming platforms being released, more multiplayer games being developed, and an increase in paid gaming tournaments. Esports will continue to grow in popularity, with more people watching gamers compete online. Gaming marketplaces and gaming subscription services will become more popular as well. Which part are you msot excited for?