If you are a Sova main who wants to learn some useful lineups for Pearl. Check out this list of the best Sova Lineups on Pearl from AverageJonas!

Pearl was recently released in Valorant and is the eighth map in the game. It is the first map to take place on Omega Earth, which is where the Attackers usually come from. Pearl is submerged under water and is surrounded by a dome of glass to protect the city from being flooded.

Pearl is a geo-driven map with no special mechanics like Teleports or Ziplines that are found on other maps. It has two bomb sites with a complicated Mid area which can be peaked from many angles.

If you are a Sova main who wants to learn some useful lineups for this map, then you have come to the right place. In this list, we have compiled a list of the best lineups from the popular Sova main YouTuber, AverageJones. You can check out his channel here.

Here is the complete Map of Pearl for future reference.

What Are the Best Sova Lineups on Pearl?

1.  Recon Dart to Attack B

This first recon dart is for when you are playing as Attackers and reveals B back site. It takes enough time to land and scan, allowing you to peak B-main just as the scan goes off.

To throw, stand in this corner:

Now you need to aim towards the sky and align your HUD line in between the line of two clothes hanging from the window, as shown:

Then shoot the recon bolt with Two Charge and No Bounce. The Recon dart flies nicely and lands on the back side of B to reveal any enemies holding B main.

This recon dart will allow you to confidently peak B main and force any enemies to either be detected or retreat back into the site.

2.  Recon Dart to Attack Mid Doors

The next recon dart will allow you to reveal behind the Mid doors when playing as Attackers. This is an important dart to keep in mind since there are enemies usually holding behind doors and can cause you some trouble.

To throw this recon, you need to go to Attackers Spawn and stand right next to this wall as shown:

Then you need to align the dot of your left mouse indicator with the left side of the balcony on the window in front of you.

Align it like this:

Shoot the dart with One Charge and No Bounces.

The Recon dart lands nicely behind the Mid doors and scans most of B Link. This also allows you to wallbang any enemies standing close to the door.

3.  Recon Dart to Attack Mid from Shop

If you want to take Mid control as Attackers when playing from Shops, here is a Recon lineup to do so:

Come to Mid Shops and stand next to the right side of this door frame.

Aim towards the sky in the direction of the Mid Doors area, and align the left side of your charge bar to the edge of the building.

Shoot the dart by just tapping it with No Charge and No Bounce. The dart will land in almost the same position behind Mid Doors and reveal all of B Link.

This will allow you to take Mid control more easily without having to worry about being shot from Mid Doors.

4.  Recon Dart to Attack Art

If you want to reveal enemies inside A Art, here is a simple lineup:

First, you need to stand in the Attackers spawn area, just behind A Restaurant, as shown below:

Aim towards Art and move a little bit left, just enough to make the wall disappear. And aim towards the top part of the hole in the wall towards Art.

Shoot the recon with Full Charge and One Bounce. The dart lands in A Art and nicely reveals all of it.

You can also use this recon to wallbang any enemies that are hiding in Art from Restaurant.

5.  Early Info to Defend A

If you want to get early info on the presence of Attackers in A Main, here’s a good recon dart for that:

First, you need to stand in this corner on A site and aim towards A Main.

Then you need to align the first charge line in your charge bar with the corner of the lamp that is visible above A Main. Then shoot the dart with Full Charge and No Bounce.

The recon bolt should land on the corner of this building. This will nicely reveal all of Restaurant as well as A Main.

This will give you early info on the position of the Attackers. And if the dart scans no one, then you can be sure they are going towards B.

6.  Early Info to Defend B

If you are holding B on the Defenders’ side and want to get early info about the presence of Attackers in B Main, here is a good lineup for you:

First, you need to stand beside this box in this corner as shown:

Then while aiming towards B Main, you need to align the top left corner of your charge bar with the edge of this orange line in the pillar on B Main.

Shoot the dart with Full Charge and One Bounce.

The dart lands on this tree and reveals any enemies aggressing towards B Main.

7.  Recon Dart For Retaking A

If you are playing as Defenders and the spike is planted on A, there is a chance that some enemies may be defending the spike from A Main. So here is a recon dart lineup to reveal A Main from spawn:

First, you need to stand directly next to this lamp spot in the wall in Defender Spawn:

Then aim towards the sky and align the top left corner of your left mouse indicator close to the top left corner of this window:

Then shoot the recon dart with Two Charge and No Bounces. The dart will land in A Main.

The timing of this dart allows you to run and peak out towards A Main just as the scan goes off.

8.  Recon Dart For Retaking B

If you are playing as Defenders and are retaking B from B Link, here is an easy recon to reveal B Site.

Just stand deep enough in B Link so that the backside wall of B Site is visible to you.

Shoot your recon onto this wall with Two Charge and No Bounce.

The dart reveals most of the B Site making it easier to you to retake.

9.  After-plant Double Shock Darts for A Site

Here is a double shock dart lineup if the spike is planted here on A Site:

Go over to A Main and stand in this corner:

Stand in this corner and look above towards the direction of the spike. Now for the first shock dart, you need to align the top right corner of your charge bar with this corner in the arch above. Shoot the dart with One Charge and No Bounces.

For the second shock dart, you need to align your crosshair with this design in the glass dome above you.

Shoot the dart with One Charge and One Bounce. The darts will land on the spike and kill anyone defusing it.

10.              Double Shock Dart for A Orb

The Ultimate Orb inside A Main is a great spot for a shock dart since many players will try to grab it at the beginning of the round. Here is a shock dart for the orb if you are playing from Mid Connector:

First, you need to stand in this corner:

Then for the first dart, you need to aim high toward the sky so that the right corner of the green line under your shock dart icon lines up with the first spike in this building, as shown. Now shoot the dart with Two Charge and No Bounce.

For the second dart, you must align the bottom right corner of your charge bar with this edge in the roof. And shoot the dart with One Charge and No Bounce.

If done correctly, both these shock darts will land on the Ultimate Orb in A Main and kill the player picking it up.

This double shock dart lineup is also good because it is difficult to see the darts come in. Your opponent will likely not expect it there, and you will get an easy kill.